Hello Readers and Friends!
Hellooooooo Chasing Ordinary!
Would you like to repurpose your dining room table? Just write a book. I’m serious!
What a mess I’m living these days.
It’s okay. I’m so happy she’s flying out in the big, beautiful world. Finally!
Lawzy-it sure took me long enough.
Before the actual book launch party I had a *reveal* dinner for family and a few friends. It was important to me I have our youngest family members be included…and able to run wild and free. Also, I wanted them to see why I was too busy for them sometimes when they called to beg. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt.
“Can you pick me up today, Sassy?”
“When can I come over and play?”
“Not today darling angel, Sassy’s writing.” Did I say guilt? Indeed.
But as soon as they arrived at our reveal party, I heard the three youngest hollering in unison, “Sassy’s on this book– look!”
They were shocked. I want to believe it was then they finally understood my distraction and vacancy those days I ignored them. Perhaps a picture is worth 1000 words. Praise the Lord!
A week later Hearth and Soul was the perfect setting for a Not So Ordinary evening as my book was officially released. My heartfelt thanks to Susie, Serena, Candice and the entire staff who worked tirelessly spoiling me rotten. If you’ve never visited this spectacular store– you really don’t know what you’re missing. My night couldn’t have been more perfect. I couldn’t be more grateful to all those who came for support. People in line for me. Say it ain’t so.
It was Saturday- a week or two later. I had just returned from Thomasville, Georgia and a Chasing Ordinary book-signing. It was *Independent Book Store* day. My thanks to Annie Jones, owner of The Bookshelf, for inviting me. She has such a flare and it’s such a cool bookstore. Visit or shop online bookshelfthomasville.com/
When my signing was over, I packed up my paraphernalia and raced back to Tallahassee. We were going to a dinner party at the home of two of my favorite people-who also happen to be fabulous art collectors. I had no time for a shower and barely time to change clothes. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and grabbed a favorite pair of white jeans and cute pink shirt. No time for my wild hair so I clipped it up and zipped my jeans.
I heard my hubby calling from the other side of the house. “Let’s go!”
I slipped on cute khaki wedges and laced them up. Yay! I was three inches taller immediately.
“I’m coming!” I hollered back while I sprayed perfume behind both my ears. I gave an extra squirt just for good measure after spending three hours in the hot sun. Nasty!
Once we arrived at the party, I walked around studying all the sensational art (my passion) and mingling and yacking with friends. I meandered into the kitchen and began talking with someone I’d not yet met. Her name was Rita and she was an author, too. A memoirist. We clicked immediately and talked about our writing – her book and mine.
After a short while, I excused myself to get some wine. I poured the last sip from a bottle I found sitting on the self-serve bar. Yum, I liked it. But it was empty. I decided to take a picture of the label so I’d remember the name. Pictures of wine labels help me keep track of wines I like.
Where was my phone? I wondered. Oh yeah, somewhere outside where I’d taken pictures of the lovely sunset. I went to retrieve.
Somewhere in the middle of the possible and impossible it happened. One false step and my size six foot let me down. Literally!
I heard the crack, snap and pop and fell on my cushioned fanny. I looked down at my trader foot which looked detached from my body. A horrific sight.
I was alone in the dark, in a daze, still plopped where I’d landed. I felt like Humpty Dumpty and a flash went through my shocked brain.What if all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put me back together again?
I heard her whisper as she squeezed my trembling hand, “I’ll get help.” It was the author I’d been talking to in the kitchen. Only later would I learn Rita (the author) was really Rita Coolidge (the legend). I always loved her music. Now, I love her. I’m thinking she may well be the upside of this downside story. I’m also thinking I’m one big goof ball.
The ambulance arrived with a crew of rescue cuties wearing red shirts. The diners sipped delicious wine as they gazed at the state of me. What a way to ruin a good dinner party, Prissy!
As I waved goodbye –blinking tears– they blew kisses. They should have been shouting ‘Good riddence you party pooper!’
I was hospitalized that night after hives broke out all over me. They wanted to keep my fractures company. I’m a coward at heart. After the swelling went down (four days later) surgery was performed to mend all the breaks in my tiny ankle (plate, screws, rod). But that wasn’t enough.
Nope. Cellulitis, UTI and shingles jumped on board. Why not, right? This holistic, organic, homeopathic being was infused with prescription drugs, foreign objects and so many things I’ve spent my life avoiding. As I profess to everyone, everywhere, everyday…we simply are not in control of our lives. My mantra I keep trying to remember.
But this *cast potato* is in charge of her cast color. Hot pink, lime green and cerulean blue thus far.
Shakespeare and Steinbeck may have the kinship to The Winter of My Discontent. But, by golly, I’m staking claim to The Summer of My Discontent. Me. Me. Me. You hear me?
As I write this blog, I’m beginning my fifth week of immobility. No weight bearing at all. For this street rat–with a new book to market— it’s a bitter challenge. An injury sitting on top a wound.
But, I’m no downer. No sir. You see I finally graduated from a wheelchair to a scooter. From the bedside chamber to a throne. From no underwear to maybe underwear. Don’t judge until you try pulling your panties down with one leg inside a heavy cast– standing on the other leg– balancing and having to pee. The indignity caused by one cute shoe is brutal.
All of this whining is nothing. You want to know my biggest disappointment about this unexpected and fractured life? Too bad, I’m telling you anyway.
I was scheduled to leave for France on June 6th for three weeks. I pulled out my old travel agent hat, the one I wore on my head many years ago. Back then I took folks to Italy, Hong Kong, here, there and yonder.
I put together and recruited travelers for this France fabulous trip– all gathering at the summer home of Katheryn Ireland in Midi-Pyrenees, France. Two groups of women and two different weeks. I planned to spend a few days in Spain between those weeks.
Everything planned, perfect, and in place. Well, except my foot.
Here’s the ugly fact. This gal can’t travel internationally if she can’t stand on two feet. So, my good friends will travel without me and still have a glorious time. That makes me so happy for them. Now they can enjoy what I did last summer.
Above are my pictures from last summer. I met such beautiful women-inside and out. They were strangers when we met and now are wonderful friends.
By the way, I am already putting together another trip. May be in Italy. May be in Fall. Maybe!
Leave a comment if you are one of those who might like to tag along with me. I can promise you fun. That’s my gig.
My thanks to all who have written, texted, emailed and called after reading Chasing Ordinary. You have no idea how grateful I am for your kind words of affirmation–especially right now! How I love seeing all the posts on Instagram and Facebook.
A HUGE thank-you to those who took precious time to post a review on Amazon for me after reading Chasing Ordinary. Amazon reviews are priceless jewels so I welcome them from anyone brave enough to pen. This wounded author needs all the help she can get from her village of readers and supporters. Well, until I’m back to signings, bookclubs and speaking events. I’m pretty worthless these days. Thanking you in advance for this kind gesture!
Okay AUDIBLE listeners who keep asking,”What about audible?”
Would you believe I was only three chapters away from finishing my recording? Three chapters! When I can get myself back to the recording studio (in a wheelchair with no elevator) I’ll finish the job. My Southern accent spinning full throttle for you poor thangs listening to me.
Meanwhile, I’m be writing for Flamingo Magazine (click) where you can read all my *goings-on* inside my column (click) Panhanding and also find me inside every issue. Why not subscribe so it can land in your mailbox.
By the way, signed copies of Chasing Ordinary may be found at the following locations: Hearth and Soul; My Favorite Things; Weezies; BedFellows; Haute Headz; Midtown Reader; The Bookshelf in Thomasville, Georgia; Sundog in Seaside, Florida; and Downtown Books and Purl in Apalachicola, Florida.
Personalized copies may be ordered from my website at prissyelrod.com
Have a wonderful summer! Please watch your step… especially you ladies wearing your lovely high heels. Do better than me!
Hugs and love to all!
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